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Monetary Metals Covered in Family Wealth Report

Monetary Metals was recently covered in the Family Wealth Report, a prominent publication to family offices and the high net worth wealth management industry. Family Wealth Report provides unique business intelligence on the world of North American family wealth to...
Monetary Metals

Monetary Metals Wins Analysis Award

And the Winner Is... We are pleased to announce that Monetary Metals is the winner in the "Best News and Analysis Provider" category for 2023! With over 1,600+ companies competing, 72 shortlisted, 36 Finalists, and 36,285 Votes, Bullion Directory named 6 winners,...
Monetary Metals

Monetary Metals Finances Jeweler’s Growth

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Sept. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Monetary Metals announces a 150% increase in its financing of Gold Bullion International's expansion of its 22- and 24-karat luxury gold jewelry collection, Auvere™. Gold Bullion International (GBI) is paying 4% on the gold lease. Leased inventory is...
Monetary Metals

Two In-Depth Interviews

Keith had two more in-depth, ideaful interviews. Keith was interviewed on the Jason Stapleton Program. Keith had a lively discussion with Peter Bell and Mickey Fulp, the Mercenary Geologist.
Keith Weiner

Keith Weiner Interviews

I have had a busy schedule of interviews. The Nevada gold bond has been a hot topic, and more interviews are coming. Here are 9 interviews so far. Jay Taylor May 16: June 6: July 17: Kerry Lutz June 18: SmaulGLD July 4: Money...
Keith Weiner

Nevada Introduces Gold Bond Legislation

Assemblyman Jim Marchant announced the Nevada Gold and Silver Enabling Act on July 2. This is an idea that Keith has been developing and writing about for many years. He submitted a paper to the Wolfson Prize proposing how to use gold bonds...
Keith Weiner

Epoch Times: Getting Gold Back Into the System

By Valentin Schmid, Epoch Times, December 29, 2016 Keith Weiner, CEO of Monetary Metals, ... recognizes the weaknesses in the fiat-based monetary system, like close to zero interest rates for savers and too much debt. He also recommends that people hold...
Monetary Metals

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