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Additional resources for earning interest in gold


Why earn interest on gold and silver? If you’re short on time or simply prefer to watch instead
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1 response to “Gold 1, Bitcoin 0”

  1. You make some good points in your article. I agree that Bitcoin isn’t suitable for loans and most negotiable instruments because of its volatility. The US Dollar may be more stable but it still loses value over time. Is it smart to borrow money at 2% per anum and pay it back with Dollars that lose 6% of their value each year? (I know, that’s not the official C.P.I. figure.) I’ve seen arguments for deflation being on the horizon by certain financial people, such as Jim Rickards, Harry Dent, and Mike Maloney, to name a few. Oops! Maybe the loan idea isn’t so ingenious. That leaves us with a conundrum.

    Should we jump on gold? You argue that Bitcoin was started in a deficit with borrowed US Dollars. In that sense gold has also started out in a deficit. Mining for gold isn’t free and there’s still a constant effort to acquire more of it. Doesn’t that also make gold less than “net zero” in real value? As with Bitcoin, peoples’ investment makes gold increase in value. Whether it’s the US Dollar, Bitcoin, gold, or anything else, value is created out of perception and desire.

    If I were to don my turban and look into my crystal ball, I might predict that the US Dollar and most other currencies will fade into oblivion. Gold will become the preferred store of value and Bitcoin, or the surviving digital currency will be exchanged briefly with gold to facilitate transactions. Come to think about it, isn’t what you’re trying to do right now?

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