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Additional resources for earning interest in gold


Why earn interest on gold and silver? If you’re short on time or simply prefer to watch instead
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11 responses to “The Curious Widening of the Bid-Ask Spread in Silver”

  1. As i understand it above that its not Gold thats moving but its the dollar and at some point dollar will or should fall apart so the natural out come of this should be that Gold price should go much higher. What about maybe that by the time dollar falls apart there are other currencies( CHINA) or a combo of basket commodities that will be tied to the new currency ? Could this be another alternative to just Armaggedon?

    1. Hi gs,

      Thanks for your question.

      The other currencies are dollar derivatives, and China’s debt problem is more advanced than the debt problem of the US. I don’t expect any other currency to survive as long as the dollar.

      As to other commodities, they don’t work as money because their bid-ask spreads are far too wide. See what I wrote on Forbes:

  2. So if the futures spread is widening for silver, the reward to be a marketmaker is increasing as opposed to the reward for being a warehouseman. If that is true then may this be seen as a predictive precursor to futures market failure?

  3. Wow all very visionary for those who don’t know how the system works.
    Do you think it is best for Canadian and those holding other currencies to
    buy dollars now and try to buy metals lower or buy metals now while they are widely available
    and not worry about the decling price as the canadian dollar will also be decling

  4. Tyonker: yes, the market maker benefits from the wider spread (though faces other challenges, which is why market makers are leaving). Yes, I don’t recall if I touched on the point that if the bid-ask spread widened sufficiently, that would be the end of the futures markets. With each tick wider in the spread, the marginal user of the market will walk away, as the market does not serve his needs.

    chrisjf: While I can’t give individual investment or trading advice, in general I expect the other currencies to enter a terminal decline relative to the dollar. This is not timing advice, as any particular currency could have a large rally in the meantime. It may be years away in some currencies (CAD is one candidate to last longer than many others such as JPY). As to buying metal, if you don’t have any at all, then my recommendation is always: buy some. No need to go all-in, but some. If you have some, then depending on how much you have and your target of how much you want, then you can think about timing, trading, etc. My thoughts on timing and trading and pricing are in the weekly Supply and Demand Reports.

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