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Zombie firms

The Zombie Ship of Theseus

The Zombie Ship of Theseus To listen to the audio version of this article click here. The Ship of Theseus is an old philosophical thought experiment. It asks a question about identity. Suppose you replace all of the boards of a ship...
Zombie firms
Keith Weiner

Wealth-Destroying Zombies

The hot topic in monetary economics today (hah, if it’s not an oxymoron to say these terms together!) is whither interest rates. The Fed in its recent statement said the risk is balanced (the debunked notion of a tradeoff between...

Other research series

Active gold leases


Zombie firms

Jay Powell is Victor Frankenstein

Monetary Metals
Yield purchasing power

Think Differently About Purchasing Power

Keith Weiner

Additional resources for earning interest in gold


Why earn interest on gold and silver? If you’re short on time or simply prefer to watch instead
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