Tag Archive for: conspiracy

Putting the Latest Silver Crash Under a Lens

On Thursday, July 6, in the late afternoon (as reckoned in Arizona), the price of silver crashed. The move was very brief, but very intense. The price hit a low under $14.40 before recovering to around $15.80 which is about 20 cents lower than where it started. Buyers of silver are rejoicing. They can now […]

Gold and Silver Price Drop of 3 July, 2017

The price of gold dropped from $1,241 as of Friday’s close to $1,219 on the close Monday, or -1.8%. The price of silver fell from $16.58 to $16.11, or -2.9%. It is being called a gold and silver “smash” (implication being that one party or a conspiracy is doing the smashing). Our goal is to […]

What Really Happened When Gold Crashed, Monday June 26?

Let’s establish three facts up front. One, the volume of contracts traded was not “millions” (as at least one conspiracy theorist is claiming). During the 1-minute window when the price of gold dropped from $1,254.10 to a low of $1,236.50 and recovered to $1,247, 18,031 August gold contracts traded. There was negligible volume in the […]

Impact of Germany’s Gold Repatriation

Germany has announced that it plans to take home all 374 tonnes of its gold stored at the Banque de France, and 300 out of 1,500 tonnes held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/97970542-5fd2-11e2-b128-00144feab49a.html#axzz2I9UZ7iGA). Bill Gross of PIMCO tweeted: “Report claims Germany moving gold from NY/Paris back to Frankfurt. Central banks don’t […]

Summary of Keith Weiner’s Interview on Capital Account with Lauren Lyster – Debunking the Naked Short Position

Last Friday, I was interviewed on Capital Account with Lauren Lyster. We discussed one of the more popular conspiracy theories regarding gold price manipulation. The claim is that a banking cartel is surreptitiously suppressing the price of gold by selling contracts short “naked” (i.e. without having the metal to deliver) in the futures market. We […]

Gold Conspiracy Theories

One of the conspiracy theories that’s popular in the gold community right now is that when the CME and various brokers increased the margin required to hold silver, this caused the price to fall from $49 to $34. Of course, observing the silver basis does not confirm this claim. Today, Zero Hedge has a short […]