Tag Archive for: economy

Is Bidenomics Working?


Jeff Deist and the Debased guests express their concerns and criticisms regarding the state of the economy under Bidenomics. Warning signs such as an inverted yield curve, declining investment, and excessive government spending are hidden underneath GDP growth and lower inflation. Will Bidenomics steer the economy toward a recovery or into a recession? Connect with […]

Keith interviewed by Mining Stock Education & Classic Value Investors

Mining Stock Education http://www.miningstockeducation.com/2020/05/keith-weiner-the-central-bankers-i-know-have-no-interest-in-gold/ Bill Powers of Mining Stock Education interviews Keith about whether the Federal Reserve can save the economy, if debt cancellation would have been better than giving away money, whether the USD will survive the coronavirus crisis, James Rickards’ $10,000 gold theory, and much more. Classic Value Investors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lb1-pOSeEY Watch as Keith […]

Keith Interviewed by Mises.org, Jay Taylor, and Kerry Lutz

Mises.Org Podcast https://mises.org/library/why-gold-still-matters “Central bankers dismiss gold as a relic, even as they buy up more of it. Politicians dismiss gold as money they don’t control and can’t expand. Holders dismiss gold as outdated tech. And investors dismiss gold as a static metal paying no yields. So why does gold still matter? Why does it […]