Tag Archive for: rates

Dana Samuelson: Gold Shaking Off Headwinds

Dana Samuelson: Gold Shaking Off Headwinds

Dana Samuelson of AmerGold joins the podcast to talk about the factors affecting gold. Samuelson discusses the resilience of gold in the face of financial headwinds and highlights the potential for gold to climb higher. Samuelson also delves into the dynamics of silver, crypto, the commercial real estate market, Fed policies, and more! Additional Resources […]

Jeff Clark: Battling Black Swans

Jeff Clark: Battling Black Swans

Jeff Clark joins the podcast to discuss the importance of gold in a portfolio, the impact of higher interest rates, black swan events, and what to look out for in a downturn. Jeff Clark also shares insights on the unique qualities of silver, mining stocks, and how to hit paydirt! Additional Resources Jeff Clark TheGoldAdvisor.com […]

The Bifurcated Interest Rate

Bifurcating interest rates

A fissure in the monetary system is very dangerous. Leaving aside that you can lose money into it, it causes market participants to drastically alter their behavior, which can cause the collapse of financial institutions, gross misallocations of capital, and other collateral damage. 

The Lazy 1970’s vs. the Frenetic 2000’s

Inflation 1970's

To listen to the audio version of this article click here. Many people today see the Fed’s Quantitative Easing as money printing. They remember what happened in the 1970’s, and they instantly jump to conclusions. However, we live in a different world. To illustrate this, consider the following story about Joe, a promising and eager […]