
January Video Update

New Years Resolution: Measure your net worth in Gold.

Reflections Over 2012

The last workweek of the year is complete. Beers were had with friends yesterday, Friday evening. The final shopping trip to the mall was completed today, followed by a good meal with my wife. Now I find myself in a reflective mood, and this is a perfect time to reflect on what an incredible year […]

KeithGram: The ‘Crash JP Morgan’Campaign’

It is now the second anniversary of a campaign to “crash” JP Morgan by encouraging people to buy silver (see max Keiser The idea is that JP Morgan has a large naked short position in silver. If people buy physical silver it will drive the price up and deprive JP Morgan of the metal […]

Open Letter to Hugo Salinas Price

Dear Mr. Price: I read your piece: “On the Use of Gold Coins as Money” (…iidarticulo=196). I think you ask the right question. This is the elephant in the room. Why do gold and silver not circulate? I love your analogy of the Swiss asserting that they will “allow” gold to have a monetary role, […]

Book Review: Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big Government

In Free Market Revolution, co-authors Yaron Brook and Don Watkins, colleagues at the Ayn Rand Institute, undertook a difficult task. Since Ayn Rand made the case for egoism as the morality of capitalism in Atlas Shrugged (and more pointedly in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal), numerous books have argued that free markets produce wealth, discussing various […]

High Frequency Trading

The financial press and alternative investing blogosphere is all abuzz about proposed German controls that attack High Frequency Trading ( Government always justifies its coercive intrusion into markets by appeal to a sense of the “public good”, and its interference never delivers the goodies as advertises (see my doctoral dissertation for a full explanation of […]

Book Review: The Golden Revolution

There are many books on the market today about the coming collapse of the global dollar-based monetary system. Many of them purport to help the reader “profit” from the collapse(!) Others are filled (just like the blogosphere from which they often come) with dark, conspiratorial whispers, psychologizing of leaders in government and finance, and preposterous […]

In Defense of the Corporation

© April 28, 2012 by Keith Weiner Today, the government of the USA is in an accelerating transition. For the first 100 years (with a few exceptions) the government of the USA existed to set man free from men. The rights of the people were respected by the law and by the courts. And it […]

Open Letter to Steve Keen

26/04/12 Keith Weiner Dear Professor Keen, I am a monetary scientist and a fan of some of your work. I admire the courage it took for you to call the Australian housing crisis as early as you did, and to make a bet that you would be right. But I came across this video (, […]

Irredeemable Paper Money, Feature #451

Irredeemable Paper

I am writing this, having just returned from the fourth course at the New Austrian School of Economics, in Munich. The single biggest theme was the rate of interest and its linkage to prices. Kondratieff, among several others, have observed that rising prices lead to rising interest rates and vice versa. And the opposite case […]