Entries by Keith Weiner

Motivated Reasoning About Silver

We’re seeing the argument, again, that silver stocks are being consumed in solar panels, medical applications, and of course, electronics. This argument has a certain temptation. After all, the standard assumption is that value is inversely proportional to quantity. Purchasing power is widely believed to be 1 / N (N is number of units of […]

Basel III’s Effect on Gold and Silver

There is sometimes a tendency to confuse ends and means. For example, in traveling through an airport there is extensive inspection of passengers. Before you are allowed to board an airplane, you must go through a process that is intrusive and increasingly invasive. This is deemed to be security. How do we know it makes […]

Resetting the Federal Debt

According to the US Treasury, the federal government owes $28.2 trillion. It crossed the “28” threshold on the last day of March. The debt was just under $25 trillion at the end of April a year ago. There’s no question it’s growing at a faster and faster pace, and now there’s the excuse of Covid […]

A Deeper Dive Into Silver

The prices of the metals hit their lows by the end of April. Gold traded for around $1,685, and is now over $1,900. Silver was around $24, and is now over $28. These are big moves (though of course nothing like bitcoin). Both metals are subject to the persistent belief that their prices are greatly […]

The Truth about the Silver Squeeze

Keith wrote about the silver squeeze narrative originally here, then here, and again here. This article is his latest commentary.  Some recent videos about the silver market are generating more buzz than we have seen in a while. They make several points, but the main one is that there is a global shortage of silver. […]

Monetary Metals Issues Gold Token

Scottsdale, Ariz, April 1, 2021— Monetary Metals® announces that it has issued a gold token. Unlike the company’s other products, this one is not designed to pay a yield. In a sign of the times, the company intends this product to generate big speculative gains. It is designed to GO UP! It is (at issue […]

Is Inflation or Deflation Coming? Part 2

In Part One of this two-part series, we differentiated between nonmonetary forces pushing up prices as opposed to the monetary forces pushing them down. We closed with acknowledging that some will say, “Yes, but interest rates have been rising.” Indeed. Here’s a graph of the 10-year Treasury yield. Look at that big move up since […]