Entries by Keith Weiner

Dissecting Gold and Silver Prices After Russian Invasion

To listen to the audio version of this article click here. Russia invaded Ukraine. It’s only three words, but millions of lives are directly impacted and billions indirectly. We will focus our commentary on the markets. Market Analysis At first, it was classic “risk off”: stocks down, other currencies down in USD terms, Treasurys up […]

The Federal Reserve’s Zugzwang Position

To listen to the audio version of this article click here.  It’s a funny bull market, this gold thing. Unloved by the mainstream commentariat, who desperately cry “barbarous relic”, and by the bitcoin bettors, who call it an “ugly yellow rock”, its price is now with a hair’s width of the all-time high. $1,905, as […]

Response: Fed’s Digital Currency Paper

To listen to the audio version of this article click here. The Federal Reserve published Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation, and solicits comments about its ideas for a central bank digital currency (CBDC). This is our extended commentary offered in response. Implications from the Federal Reserve’s Paper Our first comment is that every monetary change from […]

Reflections Over 2021

In March, I flew for the first time since the start of Covid health theater. I was invited to speak at the Austrian Economics Research Conference in Auburn, AL. My talk covered Jimi Hendrix, and an infamous bridge collapse. In other words, I discussed my theory of interest and prices. At the end of November, […]

The Zombie Ship of Theseus

The Zombie Ship of Theseus To listen to the audio version of this article click here. The Ship of Theseus is an old philosophical thought experiment. It asks a question about identity. Suppose you replace all of the boards of a ship with new ones—is it still the same ship? We are not going to […]